Abrahamster's number one goal is to feel good. He knows about law of attraction. And he can feel when he's thinking a thought that is not taking him in a good feeling direction. He is making his way to something he wants in San Diego. He started in Phoenix, Arizona. He's about half way in Yuma, Arizona... and instead of getting discouraged about being THERE, and not being where he wants to be yet, he's making the best of it where he is... as he FORKS his thoughts in the direction of better feeling ones. (toward his San Diego goal.) He has a hamster revelation that there will always be more to want, no matter where he is. Every moment is a 'NEW FORK thought moment'. And he wants you to know that: "Yuma Rocks when I'm feeling good". He says, Hey, I might as well enjoy wherever I temporarily am cause I'm always gonna be ON MY WAY somewhere ... to the next thought, the next moment, the next San Diego, and the next surprise. I'm on my way and I'm always forking....and I'm cute (he made me add that).