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Animals on LAND
Cartoon Bunny Rabbits
Rabbit Journals
 Cute Chinchillas
Cartoon Cats
Thanksgiving Cartoons
Cartoon Christmas Elf

Creatures in WATER
Cartoon Fish
Cartoon Whales
Lino Block Prints Fish Dolphin
Flying Cartoons in the SKY
Positive Thinking BEYOND
Abrahamster 1
Abrahamster 2
Positive Thinking Cartoons
Law of Attraction Cartoons
Forking My Thoughts in Yuma
Abrahamster Video
AbraRAM Appreciation


Irish Shamrock Clip Art
Happy New Years Clipart:
Cartoon Love Hearts
Valentine Hearts -
     Free Heart Clipart

Funny Cartoon Kisses -
    Big Cartoon Lips

Cartoon Funny Face Eyes
Free Summer Clip Art
Free Sunflower Clipart
Cartoon Funny Fruit
Month of May Clipart -
      Cartoon Bugs

Cartoon Sun

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      E MAIL ME

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Archives of Cute Cartoons from Squidoo and Illustration Friday


I have a little blogtoon over at squidoo aboutSquidooLogoAnimation cartoons, illustrators, animators, and cartoonists.
It began as one mini blog called
Cute Cartoon and got so big I continued it as More Cute Cartoons and Cartoon Gifts.

This page is the archives of the little cartoonettes I put in the blogtoon portion archived by date.  Also on this page are themed cartoons done for fun using
Illustration Friday's art topic of the week as inspiration.  It is a great website to check out other artists, cartoonists, and illustrators.

I suppose you could call these silly cartoon vignettes "Lillustrations" or "LillyToons".  Most images are cute cartoon animals, but there are also cute images of people, hearts, and nature. 

I am in love with dorky drawings and silly cartoons of word play.   I love to play drawing games "literaLilly". I'm getting in shape (training for)  for the Silly Olympics in 2010.  

My Squidoo blogs:
Cute Cartoon
Cute Cartoons Some More
Cute Animal Pictures**
Laugh Dance**
Sunflower Power
Flower Photography - Custom Stamps Weddings

Squidoo logo saying lens of the day

**Cute animal pictures won at Squidoo
Laugh Dance" also won at Squidoo

Make your own blog module at Squidoo?
 (if you use my referral link here, both you and I each get $5 when yours earns its first $15 for you)
It's fun and very habit forming.  Any topic or field of interest or special idea you love can be the theme.  

Cute Cartoon Sheep 

6-6-06 June rhymes with cartoon day. Did you ever wake up and hear "Draw Me A Sheep!" These are famous words from Antoine De Saint-Exupéry's book, The Little Prince. Here's what happened to me when I was in France, saw some sheep, and heard the words: "Dessine-moi un mouton!" "Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again."-from The Little Prince. 

6-14-06 Cartoon Future? Beyond Cute! Take a look at a new drawing tool invented by MIT labs: The I/O Brush. Able to record both texture and video, you can paint with anything! The world becomes your palette! Boggling. Watch this fascinating video example. Learn more about MIT's brush drawing tool.  

4th of July rabbit eating watermelon7-4-06 Happy 4th of July! Bunnies everywhere are celebrating with red,white and blue watermelons. And ...the seeds are blue. And he has a little white star on his blue tail. Nature goes all out.  

cute cartoon boy and cartoon giraffe licking ice cream8-1-06 Lick Ice Cream at the Zoo! Giraffes have extra tall cones for extra long tongues and take extra long licks.  


cute cartoon pig clipart8-9-06 Cute Cartoon Pig This little piggy went to... see Babe in the movies. So now he says Bah Ram... Oink. Soon he will sprout wings. Then, when pigs fly.... over to see Charlotte's Web coming to the movies Xmas 2006... I think he's going with Piglet and Poo. 

Cartoon Bunny Rabbit Line Up8-15-06 Cute Cartoon Bunny Rabbit Line Up If you feel like starting your morning with coffee and bunnies, here's a silly mug with original art to drink from. 


cute cartoon eyes and banana saying keep your eyes peeled!
8-16-06   Cartoon Eyes Free Clip Art
...Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Keep your eyes peeled with extra sets of eyes to use on your website to watch the people watching your site.Need some extra eyes? Well, I'm up to my eyeballs in eyes! Take a look: 

Labor Day Cartoon 9-1-06 Is it Labor Day Yet? Three lovely cartoon ladies are 'expecting' it to be labor day soon.  

blueberry fairy cartoon fruit 9-6-06 Did you know that even fruit have fairy god-fruitmoms? The blueberry fairy has come to sooth and relieve the black and blueberry. He has such tender pulp. He was looking in a telescope and had just a bit of a eye bash. No worries, the blueberry fairy will take care of it.
If you'd like to see a few more of my “gently idiotic silly cartoons” of kooky loopy fruit characters, there's more Fruityness at  

cute cartoon Halloween witch with hot dog lunch saying Happy Hallo-weenie 10-10-06 “You're wicked!”, she says. (all blue haired witches are extremely hip)
Her cool dog wanted to come and wish you a Happy Hallo-weenie. Okay, ... that's enough, now get back to the cauldron! You left the potions a bubbling and a boiling. And, you left the eye of newt jar open again. They are winking and rolling their way down the hallway at this very moment trying to escape!  

four funny cartoon turkeys 11-20-06 "Happy Thanksgiving and Remember: It's Okay To Be A Turkey"
Here's a little Turkey Chorus Line of four fancy fowl. Send these cartoon turkeys to a friend? 

cartoon turkey

11-20-06 "Do you ever feel like fowling around? 

cute cartoon skunk saying Jingle Smells 12-1-06 JINGLE SMELLS!

Wishing you...
a magnifiSCENT holiday! 


happy moo year cartoon cows 12-31-06 It's already the last day of 2006! It's New Years Eve. Time for the cows to come home! Wishing you HAPPY MOO YEAR! More HAPPY NEW YEARS CARTOONS  


funny valentine cartoon heart and sole fish love 01-31-07 Heart and Sole- It's true love for these Valentines. Bless their hearts, it's a crazy little thing called looooove. More Valentine hearts drawings 

cute cartoon girl loving little plant heart leaved sprout 2-05-07 It's Love At First Sprout!
Love happens...especially with nature.
For Illustration Friday, the theme was “sprout”.  

Presidents Day Clip Art George Washington Abraham Liincoln

2-12-07  It's Presidents Day in the Month of Valentine Hearts (February).  That's why George and Abe have hearts with them in the picture.  George, of course, had to be in the picture twice.  He was always like that.  I think that's why he chopped down the cherry tree. Reads "Happy Birthday to U.S.!" 


St. Patricks Day Graphic of cartoon rabbit and cartoon ant in shamrock clovers


3-12-07  For Illustration Friday, the theme of the week was "Hide".

This cartoon rabbit is hiding in clover camouflage.  The ant with the lovely Irish shamrock hat bonnet cannot believe that the bunny actually thinks he's well hidden.  Tag, you are it. Titled "Playing Hide and Seek on St. Patrick's Day"

the cartoon wester bunny is confused a bit at easter

3-20-07  Happy Wester?!  "All I said was that my name is Chester and I'm from L.A. , and he said.. Oh so you must be the Wester Bunny....ha ha ha he ho...  He just kept laughing and laughing.   I still don't get it."


cartoon animation Easter bunny rabbit dancing colorful

3-27-07 HAPPY EASTER!  (almost...soon...)

This dancing cartoon easter bunny is doing the easter egg dance.  Can you hear the colors?

Cartoon Rabbit snapping fingers

4-1-07 SNAP ! (For Illustration Sunday)
Happy April Fools Day!
This bunny is feelin' snappy happy .. got the rhythm in his fur.

Month of May cartoon bugs 5-1-07 HAPPY MONTH OF MAY!! 

Mother's Day cartoon cat
5-11-07 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! Express your feline of appreciation for your mom! 

Father's Day Cartoon 6-1-07 Happy Father's Day Tell dad what a great roll model he is. 

Cinnamon Rolls Royce
Cinnamon Roll Meets Rolls Royce: They're two of a kind, birds of a feather, like attracting like, and they both have lots of dough. 

Cows it Going Inquiring minds want to know: Cow's it Going? Join a couple of cute calves during lunch. They're having a nipple nosh that's udderly delicious.

Waving Flag Cartoon 7-1-07 Happy 4th of July! Happy Birthday USA!  

Summer Beach Bunny Rabbits cartoon t-shirt07-07-07!! Bunnies are catching some rays at the beach.  

cartoon lion blue magnet 7-10-07 Rawwrrrr! You have a magnetic personality. Click the cartoon lion if you'd like more info on the magnet. (In 3 sizes, round and square, any for 2 bucks and under) 

cartoon clam with ants if you're happy 7-11-07 If you're happy and you know it, clam your ants! (Click the picture for more info.)  

funny cartoon puppy happy paper clip 7-19-07 If you're happy and you know, clip your hounds! 

Cartoon Fruit T-Shirt Apparel 8-8-07 Guava nice day.These tropical cartoon fruit are very punny. It's their ripe remark after having had a few fruit cocktails. Click the design if you'd like the t-shirt. 

Cartoon Sunflower Postage stamp8-22-07 Sunflowers get me feeling pizazzed and zesty. To me they are a symbol of powerful optimism and cheerful expectancy. "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do."... Helen Keller.  

11-26-07 Holidays are Happening! Are you looking for cute cartoon gifts or funny cards or cartoon postage? Check out my cartoon cartoon animal gallery at zazzle.
Cartoon sloth Ho Ho Ho Hum Christmas Card
cartoon sloth mousepad joy cartoon cats cartoon turkey game funny 

12-6-07 So many wonderful things are happening, sometimes you just want to say thanks... Thanks a chameleon sticker 

1-28-08 Have some fun Valentines Day Hearts!cute valentine heart cartoon wavingvalentine hearts design on cardcute cartoon love valentine hearts collage t-shirt 

2-18-08 Presidents Day Cents of Humor? cartoon dime cents of humor 

2-22-08 Look whose getting married! Don't you just love those springtime weddings? funny wedding postage 

3-5-08 Green is easy being.
cartoon shamrock clipart  

Hop Long and Prosper! 3-15-08 Can I print my own cool mini business cards with a Spock bunny before easter? YES! ... , and he's bigger with shiny gold on the back! Fully customized, 2 sides, with your text and/or picture and choice of any background color. Click the image to check it out. Hop Long and Prosper profilecard 

4-4-08 NEW CARTOON ANIMAL BEASTS: Look at these cute fantastic creatures I just bought from the SPORE (TM) STORE: From the mind of Will Wright, the creator of The Sims, comes the most anticipated game, SPORE(TM)(Sept 2008), an epic journey that takes you from the origin and evolution of life through the development of civilization and technology and eventually all the way into the deepest reaches of outer space. cute rainbow eyeball creature spore game buttonred bunny frog fish spore creatureblue frog bird beak six legged antler spore game creature button
See all the amazing SPORE (TM) STORE creatures on buttons offered!


5-3-08 Happy Mother"s Day! Tell mom how much you love her.I Love You a Hole Bunch Mom Cat Card card


6-1-08 Happy Father's Day! It's DAD day, and you can be honest, truthful, straight with him, when you let him know he's the beast! (I'm not lion).
Raised In Captivity Fathers Day Card cardFather's Day Personalized Gift photosculptureWorlds Greatest Fathers Day Card card 

7-4-08 Happy Birthday USA! America, you're wonderful ... from sea to shining sea! American Flag Personalized Pin /Round Button  

7-28-08 The cutest mouse on Earth, Despereaux Here are cartoons of two chinchillas and two long eared jerboas I was drawing. I kept wanting to draw big ears and I wondered why. To listen more?, I thought. When I saw the preview of the upcoming movie, Tale of Despereaux, I fell in love, and thought, maybe that's why I am attracted to drawing BIG EARS? Here is the cute eared mouse star of the upcoming movie. Those are the cutest big ears I have ever seen! For me it was love at first sight. I had been drawing lots of fish for a year before Finding Nemo came out. I wonder if I was somehow connecting into those animator's creative explorations studying fish and cute furry creature drawings? Or... maybe in the movie, there is a special message in the story I can learn from???? I don't think I can wait. I'm getting the book!! The Tales of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. More about Despereaux Desereaux official site Despereaux the book Despereaux the movie at IMDB 

8-18-08 Funny Face Cartoon Eyes GraFEETi Keds for Kids. Whimsical kids tennis shoes you can personalize. Fun! Cartoon Eyes GraFEETi Kids Lace Up Shoes Keds kedsshoe 

1-21-09 Say Bunjour! Then express your love and gratiTOED.
This design is available on several shirt styles for children, infants, teens and adults. Completely edit and personalize with your own added names and messages. Each bunny rabbit can be enlarged to the full size of the shirt, moved around, or deleted.
Cartoon Bunny Rabbits Bunjour T-shirt shirt
Thankle Cartoon Thank You Card cardCute Lizard Love Card card 

2-26-09 Tell someone they are aDOORable.
You are aDOORable cartoon card

3-12-09 Say We Glove You! to someone!
Spring is the perfect time to give yourself a hand, or your favorite friend. Give the joy fingers of encouragement with these inspiring thumbs up words.We Glove You Inspiration Cartoon Fingers card 

4-1-09 Funny Bunny Cute Happy Easter Cards, and they're punny. No bun intended! Wish someone Easter Greetings, and Happy Springtime and other bunderful things... with cartoon rabbits. 12 Funny Cartoon Easter Cards
Happy Easter Card cardHappy Easter Bun in a Million Card cardHappy Easter Cartoon Bunnies Greeting Cards cardHappy Easter Buns Cute Funny Greeting Cards cardHappy Easter Puns with Buns Funny Cards cardNo Bun Intended funny Easter Card card 

6-22-10 SUMMER!!! 4TH OF July Barbecues!!! The Beach!! Ice Cream!
Here's some funny cartoon ice cream cones for inquiring minds on postage stamps: Ice Cream Cone-incidence Cartoon Postage stampGreat Minds Think Alike Cartoon Postage stamp
To find more cute cartoon ice cream cone gifts
Meet Ice Cream Lickers Chocolate and Vanilla Chinchilla And THE BEACH BUNS: Chinchillas, Chocolate and Vanilla T-shirt Apparel shirtBeach Buns Custom T-Shirt / Apparel shirt 

Sunflower 4 Watercolor Personalized Stationary stationery 

Sunflower 3 Watercolor Personalized Stationary stationery 

Sunflower 2 Watercolor Personalized Stationary stationery 

Cartoon Sunflower Thank You Stickers sticker 

Summer is on its way, and its fun to think sunshine as the world renews itself in springtime with longer sunny days and new flowers in bloom.  Here is some pretty sunshine solar power sunflower stationary to give you a tan with their solar tanning petals as you look at this page!  Happy Springtime to you!

9-4-10 Here's some fun birds, some cartoon blue footed boobies, 4 of them, on a womans t shirt... so that makes... 6 in all.
6 Boobies- 4 with blue feet T Shirt shirt
And don't forget to study the field of popcornithology....

Popcornithology Funny Cartoon Postage stamp 





 E MAIL HERE  for permission to use any of these copyrighted images- THANK YOU!!!

This web site is © Lilly Fluger 2006-2021.  All rights reserved.